CSI Quick Start Guide

Important steps to complete before you may submit a CSI Certificate:
  1. Select one or more participating water suppliers from the Water Supplier Management button or menu.
  2. Create a list of additional inspectors employed by this company in the My Account > Sub Account Management menu.
  3. Register your license(s) and insurance policy from the My Account > Licenses & Insurance Policies menu. Be sure to have your insurance agent email a copy of your insurance certificate to insurance@vepollc.com for verification.
Video Help Topics

Below is information on the function of each part of the Customer Service Inspection system. To see Video Tutorials on each of these topics,

click here.

Account Overview

This is the main page viewed everytime you log into your account. The Account Overview is a control panel that keeps you up to date on everything that is going on in your account.

The My Account Menu
Account Contact Information: Edit the contact information for your company.
Sub Account Management: Create sub accounts for any additional inspectors employed by the company.
Licenses & Insurance Policies: Add and register licenses for all personnel along with your insurance policy information.
Payment Receipts: Searchable history of any inspections submitted under this account.
The CSI Management Menu
Property Record Search: Search for any property located within the selected Water Supplier.
Inspection Search: Searchable history of all Customer Service Inspections submitted under this account or any CSI sub account.
Submit CSI: Submit the information for a new Customer Service Inspection Certificate.
The Water Supplier Management Menu

List of water suppliers participating in the Customer Service Inspecton system. You can select any water supplier participating in the program and review the insurance requirements of each participating water supplier.

The Checkout Menu

This page lists all of CSI's that have been entered and are awaiting checkout. A CSI is not officially entered into the system until the checkout process is complete even if the amount charged is $0.00.

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